Elevate the Arts
As a lover of the arts, you know the power of dance to inspire, unite, and transform.
Ballet Arts has been bringing world-class performances to West Tennessee for decades, but we’re dancing on borrowed time. Without a permanent home, our ability to grow, nurture talent, and enrich our community is limited. You have the power to change that.
Join us in raising $1.5 million to create a permanent home for West Tennessee’s premier ballet company.

Our History
For more than 50 years, we’ve been elevating young dancers and enriching our community’s cultural life through outstanding performances, academy classes, and outreach programs… including the longest-running Nutcracker in the state of Tennessee.
For years, Ballet Arts functioned with rented rehearsal space and a separate warehouse building to store costumes, sets, and props. As the company has grown in both size and production schedule, the part-time studio space has become inadequate. We’ve had an increasing need for additional space with a decreasing ability to rehearse. The old warehouse was not temperature controlled and the environment threatened to damage our sets, props, and costumes which would have cost our company hundreds of thousands of dollars to replace. We have never had the ability to house our rehearsal space and warehouse items in one location.

Why Now?
In Fall of 2024, Ballet Arts was presented the Opportunity to move into a new facility that would allow us to consolidate our rehearsal space, sets, props, and costumes all under one roof.
The Board of Directors boldly voted unanimously to make this move. This 14,400 square foot facility in North Jackson is the perfect size for our company, but the building does need a few updates to fit our needs. Construction is under way and is scheduled to be complete by January 2025.
Floor Plan
A. Reception/Lobby
B. Costume Workspace
C. Studio 1
D. Studio 2
E. Studio 3
F. Warehouse Storage
Elevate for Growth
Our new floor plan creates three large studios to hold company rehearsals, Academy classes, and accommodate for future growth. The largest studio will nearly be the full size of the Civic Center stage where we perform. We have never had space like this before.
While the space is perfect, the cost is vast. This is where we need you!

Join Us!
We Believe the performing arts are an important part of shaping our city’s cultural future. Take center stage and Join us in elevating the arts to help us secure our permanent home.
We need your partnership! As registered 501(c) 3 non-profit we rely heavily on the support of our community, and we are calling on you once more. Your support will help us write the next magnificent chapter in Ballet Arts’ story.
A pledge card is available for your giving convenience, but we would welcome the opportunity to explore the option best suited for you, including: direct gifts by cash, check, credit card, stock or property.
Donor Recognition
Any individual, family, or business with a gift of at least $1,000 will be recognized on our Donor Appreciation Wall inside the lobby of our new building. For any individual, family, or business with a lead gift of at least $100,000 you will have the chance to name one of our three Studios.
For more information, contact Rhonda Peeples, Executive Director for Ballet Arts, at (731) 414-7646.