Primary Program
The Primary Program is structured for 8–9-year-old dancers interested in becoming future company members. Its purpose is to supplement regular ballet training while providing engagement with Ballet Arts.
The Primary Program curriculum focuses on building a strong foundation in classical ballet technique, developing artistic expression, and encouraging personal growth. Within a nurturing atmosphere, dancers will also explore creative movement, learn dance concepts and vocabulary, engage in bun technique and stage makeup tutorials, learn audition processes, and be guided in overall dance discipline. Students will observe studio or theater rehearsals, foster
relationships with members, and be presented at either (or both) Nutcracker and Spring productions. Students may also be invited to participate in productions if casting opportunities arise.
Although auditions are not held for the Primary Program, certain criteria must be met. Students must:
have turned 8 years old on or before October 1st of the application year
have at least one prior year of ballet training
maintain at least one regular ballet class at their choice of dancing school
have regular attendance within the ballet class at their choice of dancing school
have a general understanding of ballet technique and vocabulary
Students must complete the enrollment form by August 30, 2024..
Classes are held on Friday evenings from 5:15 – 6:15pm. Twenty-four classes are divided into two semesters. Semester 1 is September 6 – December 6, 2024 and semester 2 is January 3 – April 4, 2025.
Tuition for the 24-week Primary Program is $360. The cost includes one Premium seat ticket voucher for The Nutcracker and Spring production. The tuition can be paid in one or two payments. It is the desire of the Board of Directors that no dancer is excluded from participation due to financial constraints. We will be happy to meet with you in regard to the fee schedule.
Question? Contact Us
This program is an excellent opportunity for your young dancer to experience Ballet Arts, Inc. Jackson. You may direct questions to balletartsdirectors@gmail.com.
We look forward to hearing from you!